Sunday, October 05, 2008

Philadelphia Locks Conference & Dinner 2008

The Philadelphia Locks Conference was this weekend and a great time was had by all. We didn't have as many as we has last year but it was a good time anyway. I met some new ladies (including a newly locked lady) and saw some friends from previous years. The locks were as beautiful as ever. I don't have a lot of pictures because I don't like taking pictures and posting without permission.

I got to see a couple of ladies from Boston that came in previous years.

And of course my friends from Philly who have come for the past three years.

This year I attended the belly dancing workshop. No pictures from that but I had fun dancing with my sisters (no men were allowed). I'm thinking about taking some classes. I need to get this old body moving and would like to do something fun. Who knows it might come in handy if I ever marry again.

We missed seeing Cluizel. I would have loved to see her fabulous growth in person. We missed all the other beautiful ladies that met up with us in the past.

We'll I done posting for another year unless I do something drastic with my hair or unless Sunsail insists.