Since I'm not good about posting about my hair, I thought I'd branch out just a little. I recently decided to learn how to knit. That led me to a whole other world on the net. I've come across so many informative sites for knitting, crocheting, quilting, etc. It has stirred my desire to do more than the annual crocheted Christmas gifts. And to think it all started with the purchase of some yarn (that's a story for later). So if your interested stay tuned.
The hair is still locked. I've been trying to decide what I want to do with my locks, keep them, cut them, color them, start them over. I am devoted to natural hair and I intend to have locks for as long as I can but I am not commited to sisterlocks and I don't need super long hair. I just need something simple that I can maintain.
As soon as my daughter relinquishes control of my laptop I promise to post some pictures of my needlework.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Philadelphia Locks Conference & Dinner 2008
The Philadelphia Locks Conference was this weekend and a great time was had by all. We didn't have as many as we has last year but it was a good time anyway. I met some new ladies (including a newly locked lady) and saw some friends from previous years. The locks were as beautiful as ever. I don't have a lot of pictures because I don't like taking pictures and posting without permission.
I got to see a couple of ladies from Boston that came in previous years.

And of course my friends from Philly who have come for the past three years.
This year I attended the belly dancing workshop. No pictures from that but I had fun dancing with my sisters (no men were allowed). I'm thinking about taking some classes. I need to get this old body moving and would like to do something fun. Who knows it might come in handy if I ever marry again.
We missed seeing Cluizel. I would have loved to see her fabulous growth in person. We missed all the other beautiful ladies that met up with us in the past.
We'll I done posting for another year unless I do something drastic with my hair or unless Sunsail insists.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Philly Locks Conference

It's almost time for the Philly Locks Conference again. Need more information? Check here Will you be there this year? There's always lots of beautiful locks, informative worshops, and great vendors. Here's some of the beautiful ladies that attended last year. Hope to see you there.
If you are interested in going to dinner with us this year see Brenda's blog for details
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I've been tagged
I've been tagged by Jamofism!
Here's the rules
1) Link to the person that tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog.
3) Share 6 non-important/habits/quirks about yourself.
4) Tag 6 random people by posting links to their blogs.
5) Let each of them know they've been tagged.
Six non-important/habits/quirks about myself:
- I don't like oatmeal. I like granola, oatmeal cookies and many other things made from rolled oats but not oatmeal. I'm one of those people where the texture of food matters a lot. I make oatmeal and most people like my oatmeal except for me.
- I like to read. When I was growing up I used to read the cereal box, all sides. I had perfected a method of reading while cooking as a teenager. My mother didn't approve of it. She always thought I'd burn dinner if I read while cooking. I actually burned dinner when I wasn't reading because I left the kitchen to look at the TV. I prefer reading fiction. I used to read in genres. For example one summer in high I read mythological based fiction. I don't read much fiction any more. I don't read much any more except for hair blogs.
- I enjoy watching sports. My favorite is football.
- I like to crochet and make things. I don't really have much time to do those things any more and I'm not really artistic but I can make things and follow patterns. I've made prom dresses, costumes, jewelry,scarves, mittens and other things over the years.
- I love nature, especially birds. I'm not a real good bird watcher but I sure do get a thrill when I see a bird I've never seen before or only see rarely. I saw a great blue heron the other day at a bio pond near where I work. It made my day.
- I like myself with short hair. If I ever give up my locks I might go back to wearing a TWA
Bonus: What's different?
Now who should I tag? Any suggestions? No, well if you like you may consider yourself tagged. Let me know and I'll add a link to your blog.Saturday, July 07, 2007
Cruising -- Mother's Day Surprise Realized
Here we are leaving Tampa on the way to Cozumel. We go under the Sunshine bridge!
When we docked in Cozumel we took a ferry to Playa del Carmen then took a bus to Tulum. We explored the ruins and spent some time in the ocean. Loved the white sand and blue water.
Somebody had a good time. I think little man enjoyed the cruise more than anyone else. He spent lots of time at Camp Carnival and went swimming every day.
At the end someone didn't want to go home.
Here we are leaving Tampa on the way to Cozumel. We go under the Sunshine bridge!
When we docked in Cozumel we took a ferry to Playa del Carmen then took a bus to Tulum. We explored the ruins and spent some time in the ocean. Loved the white sand and blue water.
Somebody had a good time. I think little man enjoyed the cruise more than anyone else. He spent lots of time at Camp Carnival and went swimming every day.
At the end someone didn't want to go home.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Your Power Element is Wood |
![]() Your power colors: green and brown Your energy: generative Your season: spring Like a tree, you are always growing and changing. And while your life is dynamic, you are firmly grounded. You have high morals and great confidence in yourself and others. You have a wide set of interests, and you make for intersting company. |
Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day Surprise
This is a picture of my daughter with her son from a few years ago. My daughter has turned into a beautiful woman and a lovely mother. There was a time when I truly wondered if this would ever happen but God is good and in the wonder working business.
She asked me back in April to schedule some time off from work but would not tell me why. I had been asking all kinds of questions and trying to catch her off guard to find out what was up for my time off but she just would not give in. I even told her not to call me unless she was going to tell. But she wouldn't and didn't stop calling me either.
On Mother's Day she took me and her mother-in-law out dinner to reveal the surprise vacation. At some point during dinner she gave each of us one of those singing Mother's Day card. I'm sure you've seen the commercial where the family is out to dinner at an elegant resturant and Mom opens the card to James Brown singing "I feel good." Well it wasn't quite that bad because it was a noisy resturant and not an elegant one. Inside of the card was a flyer about a cruise! My daughter is taking me on a cruise to Cozumel Mexico. Well the whole family and both grandmoms are going. But hey, I've never been on a cruise and it's something I've wanted to do.
I've had some interesting Mother's Days with my daughter: from hearing that Mother's Day was just some old Hallmark holiday and that I should be honored on her birthday (that year I wasn't honor on either day); to getting dinner, a cruise and a little shopping trip all in one day.
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